The Museum Pass Program allows Cliffside Park Library card holders free admission to area museums by borrowing our membership passes. These passes may be reserved by any Cliffside Park Library card holder, 18 and over, with an unexpired library card in good standing.
Museums we offer! (* denotes a museum in NJ, all others are in NY) Passes and availability are subject to change.
Rules and How to Borrow a Museum Pass
Patrons must present the Cliffside Park Library Card used to reserve the museum pass when picking up.
Patrons must bring a $40.00 cash deposit (exact change) when picking up the pass, which will be refunded when the pass is returned on time. Patrons forfeit the $40.00 deposit if the pass is returned late.
Passes that are lost or stolen will be subject to replacement cost at prevailing rates.
Passes are loaned for three days, including the day the pass is to be picked up.
Passes must be returned to the library no later than one hour prior to closing on its due date. Passes cannot be returned in the book drop.